This section gives regular updates on the work of the Trust, such as any forthcoming public events, recent purchases for the archive collection, future projects, and other interesting items. If you would like more
information about any of these topics, or anything else, then please use the enquiry form found on the "Contact Page" of this website.
The Archive Service organises talks and exhibitions on a regular basis, details of which can be seen by following this link to the Archive Service website's Events page:
Two Trustees Retire from NACT
John Carr-Ellison and John Webster retire from Trust
The Ashington Tea Party
The Archives’ educational project Ashington to the Future, led by Jo March, has recently been completed
Sir James Knott Trust Offers a Major Grant
Grant from the Sir John Knott Trust will allow the unlocking of more of Northumberland's hidden stories
Special Edition Newsletter 2023
Special edition newsletter commemorating the retirement of the Trust's first chairman.
Foyle Foundation Awards Trust a Major Grant
Foyle Foundation grant for purchase of scanning equipment.
What has been going on at the Archives Offices?
The record offices fight a continual battle trying to keep on top of all the material being acquired for the collections, either on loan or by donation.
The Work of the Archivist
Chris Loftus of the Archives Service writes about the activities involved in his work.