Northumberland Healthcare Project Update
The Northumberland Healthcare study outlined in the PROJECTS page of the website is beginning to bear fruits with work underway in various areas. Project volunteers are researching maternity care in Northumberland with particular focus on Castle Hills Maternity Home, Berwick, and Mona Taylor Maternity Home, Stannington. They are also researching in less detail some of…
Read MoreTrust’s Third Annual Report charts further progress
Annual report for year ending March 2023 now available
Read MoreHidden Stories in the Archives
The Trust is aiming to raise funding to create two posts, an Archivist and Assistant, to work for a two-year period on cataloguing some of the backlog of collections that has built up over several years. A scoping exercise was carried out recently to establish the scale of the backlog and to get an idea…
Read MoreArchive Trust Publishes its Second Annual Report
The Trust has recently published its Second Annual Report, charting the Trust’s development during the year to the end of March 2022. You can access the Report through the following link below. The report shows that, in spite of the challenges posed by the pandemic, the Trust has continued to make steady progress in fulfilling…
Read MoreThe Reading Room
For many years the Archive Service has worked with The Genealogical Society of Utah [GSU] who have microfilmed and latterly digitised records in their care that includes names. This relationship has allowed users access to surrogate copies of archival sources in the public search rooms. More recently the Service has been working with GSU on…
Read MoreHarriet Carr – Artist & Traveller
This new module presents fascinating material from the Harriet Carr collection and now available on the Archives Service website.
Read MoreArchives Service Awarded Grant by Lord Crewe Charity
Nathaniel Lord Crewe (1633-1721) was Bishop of Durham from 1674 until his death. In 1700 he married Dorothy Forster of Bamburgh and in 1709 purchased Forster family lands in Bamburgh and Blanchland, Northumberland. Under the terms of Lord Crewe’s will his Northumberland and Durham estates were left in trust with the income to be distributed…
Read MoreNew collections acquired by Archives
Between 1 February 2022-20 April 2022 the Service accessioned 51 new collections at Woodhorn. There is a list of a further 72 accessions awaiting deposit with potential new deposits being added to the list each week. Efforts are made to try to catalogue as many of the new deposits upon receipt as possible. During the…
Read MoreHealthcare in Northumberland
Volunteers sought to help with oral history interviews and research
Read MoreSucceeding against the Odds – the birth of the Northumberland Archives Charitable Trust
Setting up a new charity is a considerable challenge at any time. Doing this in the middle of a global pandemic is even more so. The Trust’s Chair, Sir Philip Mawer, tells the story of the first challenging year. When the Trustees of the Northumberland Archives Trust met for the first time towards the end…
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