This section gives regular updates on the work of the Trust, such as any forthcoming public events, recent purchases for the archive collection, future projects, and other interesting items. If you would like more
information about any of these topics, or anything else, then please use the enquiry form found on the "Contact Page" of this website.
The Archive Service organises talks and exhibitions on a regular basis, details of which can be seen by following this link to the Archive Service website's Events page:
Northumberland Healthcare Project Update
A brief history of Beulah Maternity Hospital in Blyth
Hidden Stories in the Archives
A glimpse of some of the content hidden within uncatalogued collections.
Archive Trust Publishes its Second Annual Report
The Trust has recently published its Second Annual Report, charting the Trust’s development during the year to the end of March 2022.
The Reading Room
The Reading Room, a new facility available to the public.
Harriet Carr – Artist & Traveller
This new module presents fascinating material from the Harriet Carr collection and now available on the Archives Service website.
Archives Service Awarded Grant by Lord Crewe Charity
The Lord Crewe’s Charity has provided Northumberland Archives Charitable Trust with a grant of £10,000 to undertake further work on the papers in the care of Northumberland Archives
New collections acquired by Archives
Deposition of family collections highlights the need for the Trust.
Healthcare in Northumberland
Healthcare project will gather oral and written histories about health provision in Northumberland prior to the NHS.
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