Josephine Butler Society Awards Grant to NACT

The Northumberland Archives Trust was recently awarded a grant of £2,000 from the Josephine Butler Trust to allow further work on cataloguing the collection of documents held by the Archive Service and the development of a LEARN project based on the information revealed.

Josephine Butler was at the heart of the struggle for women’s rights in the nineteenth century. She campaigned for the rights of sex workers, for the vote, opportunities for higher education and employment for women, and the right of married women to own their own property.

The outputs from the project will include, among other things, a biography of Josephine, a review of social injustice in the 19c and Josephine’s contributions to reform, along with details of her publications and campaigns. It will also include an introduction to the work of the Josephine Butler Society.

NOTE: LEARN ( Learning and Educational Archive Resources from Northumberland)

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